Hi! My name is Oswald Codjoe. I'm a business analyst and an ardent believer in the power of ideas to change the world.
I'm experienced in policy analysis, data science, political risk analysis, market analysis, and financial and investment analysis. I utilize both qualitative and quantitative methods of inquiry to create value in my fields of expertise. I'm also trained in using computer programming languages and analytical software including but not limited to Python, SQL, R, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, ArcGIS, Tableau, and Microsoft Office Suite (Word, Excel, PowerPoint) to enhance value in these fields.
My other interests comprise reading, writing, and philosophical argumentation and reasoning about political life. I'm also interested in the scientific study of political accountability and political processes that drive development outcomes in modern republics. Specifically, the use of both quantitative and qualitative methods to generate insights about political behavior and outcomes in these areas. I hold a BA in Financial Economics and Political Science from the
University of Rochester and an MA in Political Science from the
Washington University in St. Louis.
When I'm not working, I like to swim, play basketball, walk, listen to music, and design and develop mobile applications. In this website, I document and share some elements in my portfolio of activities and interests.